How would you respond in an emergency?

How would you respond in an emergency?

Does your workplace have an emergency plan and is it practiced?


When planning for possible emergency situations you should ensure:

  • Emergency procedures are developed;
  • Evacuation procedures are developed;
  • All workers are trained to implement or follow the emergency plan and are clear on how they should respond during an emergency situation;
  • Emergency and evacuation procedures are tested and practiced (min. annually); and
  • Equipment for appropriate response is available and maintained.


Types of emergencies to consider

There are many scenarios that should be considered when planning and developing emergency procedures and evacuation, including:

  • Fire
  • Explosion
  • Medical emergency
  • Rescues
  • Incidents with hazardous chemicals
  • Bomb threats
  • Armed confrontations; and
  • Natural disasters. 

Planning should be based on a practical assessment of hazards associated with the work activities undertaken and the actual workplace. Additionally, external hazards should also be considered, for example a chemical storage facility across the road.